THUMP THUMP....THUD THUD...THUMP THUMP THUMP ...It was as if God was gifted a new set of drums and a couple of Bose Speakers...Oh! how cacophonous it was as the calm azure sky rained mangoes in plenitude...yes mangoes! of all colours as well...orange, yellow, red, green ...even blue and black( poor things...they had to turn blue and black...thanks to the cement walls, the steel, the glass, the wood, the human head blah blah blah)But people..be it the ones walkin on streets, those looking out their windows, few reading a book, some copulating in a corner....none ...absolutely none gave a diddly-do! Some pulled out their umbrellas (almost all were pink), one or two turned their gaze towards the sky with pulp in their eye but most of them just let it be...let the mangoes fall...let them hit the brick walls and the pavements...how callous of them all!
PS: painting was found @www.claribelsantiago.com/
Close-up of brightly colored mangoes acrylic on canvas. Part of the Remembranzas Collection.
PS: God should switch to noise-cancellation Sennheiser headphones!!! ya ya.. i'm madly obsessed with Sennheiser...